Learn More About the Graduate Programs at Pontifex University
As an IACET Accredited Provider, Pontifex University offers IACET CEUs for its learning events that comply with the ANSI/IACET Continuing Education and Training Standard.
Continuing Education UnitsHoly Spirit College
The Atlanta-based campus of Pontifex University, Holy Spirit College seeks to educate and to form students who, as leaders in professional and civic life, will live by the highest intellectual and ethical standards. In service of this goal, Holy Spirit endeavors to create an environment in which integrated learning is a shared responsibility. Shared responsibility for the life and governance of the College should lead all its members to make the best of their own talents, to work together, to be sensitive to one another, to serve others, and to seek justice within and beyond the Holy Spirit community. Set in on a beautiful and mature campus setting shared with both Holy Spirit Parish and Holy Spirit Preparatory School. The College enjoys dedicated facilities within the parish complex with classrooms, a satellite library, a break room, offices, and a student commons room. For more information about Holy Spirit College, please contact Kim Schulman at 678-904-4959.
Learn More About Holy Spirit CollegeMeet Our Administration
Gareth N. Genner, President
Gareth N. Genner is President of Holy Spirit College, Atlanta and President of Pontifex University...
David Clayton, Provost
David Clayton is an artist, writer and teacher who grew up in England and is a graduate of Oxford University...
Fr. Paul Moreau, Chaplain
Fr. Paul was born the youngest of 11 children of Mary and Joseph Moreau in Victoria BC, Canada...
Monsignor Edward J. Dillon, Chancellor & Chief Academic Officer
Msgr. Dillon is Chancellor of Holy Spirit College as well as one of the College's founders....
Dr. Cynthia Toolin-Wilson, Operations Manager, Dean of the Faculty of Theology
Dr. Toolin-Wilson holds an M.A. and Ph.D. in sociology from the University of Massachusetts/Amherst, a 92 M.A. in theology from Holy Apostles College and Seminary, an S.T.L. in theology from Dominican House of Studies in Washington, DC, and an M.F.A. in Writing from Albertus Magnus College.
Fr. Peter Stravinskas, Director Master's of Education in Catholic School Administration; Director of Education Doctorate
Fr. Stravinskas holds doctorates in school administration and theology and has taught in and administered Catholic educational institutions at every level. He is the president of the Catholic Education Foundation, editor of The Catholic Response and The Catholic Educator, as well as the publisher of Newman House Press.
Deborah Samia
Deborah Samia, has a BFA from the Academy of Art University, with an emphasis in Classical....
Geoffrey Yovanovic
Geoffrey Yovanovic is based in Atlanta where he is a key member of the design team of the architecture...
Fr. Jeffery Kirby
Fr. Jeffery Kirby, STD, is a priest of the Diocese of Charleston. He shepherds two parishes in north-central South Carolina and is an adjunct professor of theology at Belmont Abbey College....
Matthew Williams
Matthew Williams holds a degree in music from West Chester University of Pennsylvania, where his primary instrument ...
Rev. Sebastian Carnazzo
Rev. Carnazzo is a priest in the Melkite Catholic Church of America and pastor of St. Elias Melkite in....
Dr. J. Marianne Siegmund, M.A., S.T.L., S.T.D, Pastoral Theology
Dr. Siegmund earned her B.A. in Philosophy at Christendom College in Front Royal, Virginia and her M.A. in Religious Studies at the Notre Dame Graduate School of Christendom College in Alexandria, Virginia.
Doyen Nguyen
Doyen Nguyen, OP, M.D, S.T.D., who was an academic hematopathologist, is currently a Catholic moral theologian and bioethicist.
Why Pontifex University?
Our students come from different and diverse backgrounds learn more about they chose to study at Pontifex University.
Why are you studying at Pontifex University?
"Pontifex’s approach is synthetic. Each course leads to, enlightens the other. So, courses in Scripture, Iconography, Liturgy, Music, Philosophy, Theology, even screenwriting from a Christian perspective, concern theology and worship; they address the whole person in their relation to God, and within the community, and in the wider culture—how do we bring beauty, truth and goodness into the culture to uplift it? Which brings me to the other reason why I’d encourage other people to investigate Pontifex: the emphasis on the Church’s liturgical worship, that is, in the Mass, and the encouragement to pray the Liturgy of the Hours. So we have spiritual growth aligned with academic training. Pontifex also offers convenient and affordable courses, which you can enter at any time. I find this quite workable, as a full-time caregiver. The courses are interactive, live courses, which are recorded for those who come later, or studio art courses, offered in the United States and abroad. New fascinating courses pop up all the time, and I want to take every one of them! I also appreciate that Pontifex tries to create a community, one of the challenges of online courses." - London T.
What stands out to you the most about Pontifex University?
"I've taught mathematics and art at St. John Paul the Great Catholic High School which implemented a four-year bioethics curriculum. I've served as Fine Arts Department Chair since the school's opening in 2008 and continue to pursue studies in paining and sculpture and enjoy works of art that reveal the beauty of creation and communicate the dignity of the human person. In the years teaching at St. John Paul the Great, I've had a growing interest in art and its service in beauty to the Church's catechetical mission and its liturgy. I'm excited that the coursework at Pontifex University addresses each of these areas of interest! Moreover, it does so in a format that allows working professionals the opportunity to deepen understanding and practice craft with all the flexibility that an online course load can provide, while maintaining the rigor necessary for solid academic formation. I've especially enjoyed gaining insight into scripture through the Old Testament in Word and Image course, and answering the questions which challenge my understanding of art history, while learning about the art forms which have served the liturgy best through the course, A History and Theology of Images." - William O.
Why do you believe Pontifex University is a good fit for you?
"I am a deacon in the Diocese of Sacramento where I serve at the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary parish. In addition I am a full time working artist and graphic designer specializing in liturgical art, illustration and design. Art, of course, particularly art’s role in serving a community. I am also deeply involved in bible studies and the liturgy. Pontifex University provides a unique opportunity and fills a much needed gap, a Catholic based university that offers a program in Sacred Arts. We live in a post-Christian age and it is more important than ever that artists are formed in the rich traditions of the faith in order to fulfill their vocation. As an online university it also takes advantage of the latest trends in online learning while making the programs available to artists and art lovers everywhere. I think the online aspect is the most exciting. It allows me to take classes and learn from experts in their field from my home or studio. As a working artist this makes the educational program extremely flexible. The Bible study classes by Fr. Sebastian Carrazzo have been immensely enjoyable. In order to understand our role in God’s plan for the salvation of mankind, we have to understand that plan as it is revealed in scripture. To even begin to know where we are going or what we are called to do, we have to know where we started." - Deacon Lawrence K.
How did you find out about Pontifex University?
"As a Catholic artist working to integrate art and theology, I came across David Clayton's blog The Way of Beauty, everything he wrote rang true to my own experiences. We hosted him to teach a workshop and it was an awesome experience of faith, fellowship and learning. I attended another workshop in Kansas with the same experience. When I learned that Pontifex was in the works, I knew it would be the right blend of orthodox theology and art. I am so grateful to be able to participate in classes with faithful people from around the country without having to relocate. I had considered other programs but none were so specifically focused on my combined interests as Pontifex; they were all masters in theology. I would have had to compliment with the art study on my own, which is not the best. Art is communal, in its making and in its purpose. That's one aspect that is so gratifying about studio classes--we're all working together and learning from one another even as we make our own piece. The lone artist concept is anathema to me. And yet, I work alone. So being engaged with other artists interested in growing deeper in their Faith through the study of scripture, the Church and art and then applying that depth to their work is terribly exciting." - Gina S.
Pontifex University Courses
Check out some of our current course offerings from Pontifex University.
A History and Practical Theology of Images
Learn about the theology of images and history of Western art seen through the 'eyes of faith'.
Christian Humanism in Contemporary Cinema
Learn how film narratives achieve their effects on audiences and how to recognize the theological virtues in six Hollywood films.
The Old Testament in Words and Images
Survey the books of the Old Testament, classified as historical, wisdom, and prophetical.
The Bible and the Liturgy
Examine the Christian Faith with a special emphasis on the Sacrament and their biblical background.
A Survey of Philosophy of the Good, the True, and the Beautiful
Presented to those in the creative disciplines with little prior knowledge of philosophy, this course describes how the good, the true....
Introduction to Sculpting the Figure
In our class, we will complete six poses from a model, three full figure, one torso and on portrait, with additional...
Fundamentals of Beauty in Architecture
Through the study of buildings as well ask Ancient and Renaissance writings, we will explore beauty in architecture...
Introduction to Sacred Music
The primary focus of this course is to introduce students to the history and performance of music in the Catholic Church...
Pontifex University Articulation Agreements
Sacred Arts Guild of Alberta
The Sacred Arts Guild of Alberta is located in Canada and offers different levels of programs.
Theology of the Body Institute
The Theology of the Body Institute offers courses, a certification program, a clergy enrichment program, speakers for your events, and more.
Sacred Murals Studio
Sacred Murals Studio was founded in Saint Petersburg (Russia) by a family couple of iconographers, Philip Davydov and Olga Shalamova in June 2001, and provides a sound and structured education in the art of icon painting.
The Sacred Art Institute, Enders Island, Mystic, CT
Enders Island is an 11-acre island off the coast of Mason's Island in Mystic, Connecticut. The Sacred Art Institute offers evening, afternoon, and week-long residency workshops in Iconography, Illumination, Calligraphy, Stained Glass, and Sacred Music among others.
St. Joseph's College of Maine
Graduates of Saint Joseph’s College of Maine can earn fast-track admission to Pontifex University’s online Theology Doctorate program.